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The fifth period(第五课时)

2023年11月19日 23:40:53 来源:网校空间 访问量:3



The fifth period(第五课时)

Part B Read and write




Read and write

·能够正确听、说、认读单词:BDS, gave, feature, follow, far, tell











Read and write分为读、写、语音三部分:第一部分要求学生阅读图片了解从古到今辨别方位的几种方法,以拓展学生的生活常识;第二部分提供一篇短文,要求学生看懂文本,并完成教材所提供的读写活动;第三部分是要求学生明白并能正确读出英语句子的升降调。



   Unit6编排了How can I get there句型,这部分内容延展学习一些常见的公共场所,如sciense museum,post office,hospital ,cinema ,bookstore等位置描述,同时引导学生在外出迷路时对Where is the…? 句型寻求帮助,以及用“turn left/right,go straight”等句型帮助并指引他人找到目的地。Unit5安排学习了“In  front of,beside,between,behind,above”等方位词,扩大学生方位词的存储量,四上,四下均复现了Where is/are...?的句型,帮助学生复习与巩固如何询问位置。三下Unit4初次安排了Where is the…?和in,on,under的学习,让学生初步了解如何询问物品位置及回答。









Step 1: Pre-reading

1. Greetings.

Greet students. Divide them into several groups and tell them, “If you can act bravely, actively and be open-minded in class, your group can get more points. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.”

2. Free talk.

T:What will you do if you don’t know the way? (课件出示:现代人迷路的图片)

S1: I will ask the police/other people for help.

S2: I will use the BDS on my mobile phone.

S3: I will use a map.


Present the new word “BDS” according to the student’s answer. (课件出示:BDS的相关内容) Students learn the word through the picture.

T:What about the people in ancient times? They don’t have mobile phones or computers. How can they find the way? (课件出示:古代人迷路的图片)

S1: They can use a compass.

S2: They can look at the stars.

T:Wow, youve known a lot! Thats great! (课件出示:星星的图片及指南针的图片)

Present the new word “compass” according to the students answer. (课件出示:compass的相关内容) Students learn the word through the picture and read the word.

Students learn to find a place through different ways.

3. Read and choose.

(1)Present the four pictures of “map, compass, BDS, stars”. (课件出示:教材P8 Read and write板块的四幅图片)

T:Do you know these things?

Ss:Yes. They are “map, compass, BDS and stars”.

T:What are they for?

Ss:They can help us find the way.

T:Excellent! Now lets read the words.

(2)Lead students to read the words and understand the meaning of them through the pictures.

T:You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place?


T:Good job!

(3)Present a short video of using BDS in a car. (课件出示:车内使用BDS的视频)

T:If we want to go to a place far away, but dont know the way, we can follow the BDS. The voice prompts of the BDS will tell us the way.

With the help of the video, the teacher uses gestures and body language to help students understand the meaning of “far, follow, tell” in context.

If we want to go to a place far away, but don’t know the way. We can follow the BDS. The voice prompts of the BDS will tell us the way.

Step 2: While-reading

1. Fast reading.

Show the four pictures of the passage. (课件出示:教材P8 对话部分四幅图) Lead students to predict the content through the pictures.

T:Where are they?

Ss:They are in front of the cinema.

T:They look like going somewhere. Where are they going?

Ss:They are going to the restaurant.

T:Wu Binbin and his friend Mike want to go to the Italian restaurant. How did they go there? What places did they pass by?

Play the recording of the whole text. (课件出示:教材P8 Read and write板块的音频) Lead students to go over the second question on page 9, and then ask them to read the passage as quickly as possible and underline the places Wu Binbin and Mike passed by.

T:They passed by the…

Ss:Cinema, bookstore and hospital.

T:Well done!

Present the pictures of the places they passed by one by one. (课件出示:逐一呈现教材P8阅读材料中的位置图片)

2. Careful reading.

(1)Students read the passage carefully this time, and answer the first and the third questions.

(2)Q1: What is Robin’s new feature?

Present the first paragraph of the passage. (课件出示:教材P8 Read and write板块的第一段) Robin has a new feature. Highlight and teach the new word “feature” in the paragraph. Let students learn to read the word and get to know its meaning. (课件出示:feature的相关内容)

T:Whats the new feature that Robin has?(课件出示:教材P9第1题问题及答案)

Ss:He has BDS now.

T:Yes, Wu Binbins grandpa gave Robin the new feature.

Highlight and teach the new word “gave” in the paragraph. Compare it with the form of “give”. Get students to know the difference between these two forms. (课件出示:gave的相关内容)

Write down “give—gave” on the blackboard.

Q3: Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效,起作用”?(课件出示:教材P9第3题问题及答案)

(3) Students circle the prepositions or prepositional phrases of locations in the passage. Get a quick review of these words.

Prepositions for locations: in front of, at, behind.

(4)Students draw a map to the Italian restaurant.

Let students share their maps and choose the best one.

(5)Students fill in the blanks. (课件出示:教材P9第二部分习题及答案)

Students fill in the blanks. Check the answers together with the teacher.

Then retell the story according to their maps.

3. Read the story.

Students listen to the recording and read the passage. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation, especially those sentences underlined in “Tips for pronunciation”. Try to read correctly, fluently and emotionally. (课件出示:教材P8 Read and write板块的音频)

Step 3: Post-reading

1. Read the sentences in “Tips for pronunciation” in the text. (课件出示:教材P9 Tips for pronunciation的句子)

2. Make a summary.

Lead students to try to find some regulations of their tones. Get them to know that English sentences have the rising or falling intonation. Students practice reading the sentences, and the teacher summarizes the regulations. (课件出示:语调的发音规律)

3. Learn the rising and falling tones.

Lead students to read these sentences in correct tones.

























  1. Practice the dialogue.
  2. Do the exercises.






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