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The sixth period(第六课时)

2023年11月19日 23:42:38 来源:网校空间 访问量:6



The sixth period(第六课时)

Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up





Let’s check

·能够完成Lets check板块的语篇听力训练,巩固本单元所学重点内容



Let’s wrap it up














   Unit6编排了How can I get there句型,这部分内容延展学习一些常见的公共场所,如sciense museum,post office,hospital ,cinema ,bookstore等位置描述,同时引导学生在外出迷路时对Where is the…? 句型寻求帮助,以及用“turn left/right,go straight”等句型帮助并指引他人找到目的地。Unit5安排学习了“In  front of,beside,between,behind,above”等方位词,扩大学生方位词的存储量,四上,四下均复现了Where is/are...?的句型,帮助学生复习与巩固如何询问位置。三下Unit4初次安排了Where is the…?和in,on,under的学习,让学生初步了解如何询问物品位置及回答。









Step 1: Warm-up & Revision

1. Greetings.

Greet the class. Divide them into several groups and tell them, “If you can read loudly, clearly and correctly in class, your group can get more points. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.”

2. A quick review of the key words and phrases of this unit.

(1)Bingo game. (出示课件)

Help students review these words and phrases “science museum, post office, bookstore, restaurant, cinema, hospital, library, school, park” quickly.


(2)Traffic police game. (出示课件)

Help students review these words and phrases “crossing, turn left/right, go straight”.


(3)Be a city guide. (出示课件)

Help students review the expressions of giving directions.

(游戏说明:呈现一张城市地图,请一位同学扮演导游,另一位扮演游客,根据游客想要参观的地方展开交流。) Give the sentence structures:

A: Excuse me, how can I get to…? / Excuse me, where is…?

B: You can…/It’s…

Step 2: Presentation & Practice

1. Let’s check.

(1)Present the picture of “Let’s check”. (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s check板块的图片)

Point to the buildings one by one and ask students questions. Lead students to predict the content of the listening.

T:Do you know the place? What is it?

Ss:It is the hospital/school/post office/cinema/bookstore/science museum.

T:Good job! Now write down the words or phrases under the pictures.

(2)Listen and tick.

Play the recording. Let students listen and tick the places they hear. Then check the answers together. (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s check板块的音频及答案)

(3)Listen again and answer.

Lead students to learn to use the map. Students can circle the key information or make marks on the map while listening, then complete the answers after listening. (课件出示:教材P10 Listen again and answer的相关内容)

Check the answers together. (课件出示:教材P10 Listen again and answer的答案)

(4)Present the listening material and lead students to read it together. (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s check板块的听力材料)

(5)Find a new way for Bob.

T:Work in pairs. Can you find a new way for Bob? Share your routes. Let’s see who can find the nearest way.

2. Let’s wrap it up.

(1)Find the words’ regulation.

Present the picture of “Let’s wrap it up”. Students read the words.  (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s wrap it up板块的图片)

T:Can you find the regulation? What words are they?


T:Yes, they are prepositions for locations.

Keys: in front of; left; right; behind.

(2)Try to write more words.

T:Can you write more words like these?

Ss:Yes. We know “in, on, under, on the left/right, at the back of, in the middle…”


Lead students to have a quick review of these prepositions or prepositional phrases for locations. Make sure they can understand them well. (课件出示:相关的方位介词及词组)

Extend the words of directions: east, west, south, north. Use a good way to help students memorize the four words. (出示课件)



(3)Make sentences.

T:Can you make sentences with these words? We can describe the locations of our classmates’ desks.

The teacher makes a model first. Students can say like this:

S1 is in front of S2.

Step 3: Consolidation & Extension

1. Read and act.

Story time”

Introduce the background of the story: Zoom wants to get some food, but he doesn’t know the way to the shop. He asks the way.

1. Number the pictures.

Present the pictures of the story in disorder. Lead students to predict the main idea. ((课件出示:打乱教材P11 Story time板块的图片顺序)

T:Observe the pictures carefully. Pay attention to the logical relations among them. Put them into the right order. Then open your books and check the answers.

2. Watch, read and answer.

Play the video of “story time” and ask the questions. Make brief conversations with students. Students watch the video, then read and answer the questions.

T:I think Zoom is clever. He knows how to ask for help and finds the way. / Wow, thats a lot. Can you eat three large portions of fish and chips? / Zoom shouldnt eat so much. His stomach will be hurt. Its bad for health.











3. Read the story.

(1)Students read the story after the recording. (课件出示:教材P11 Story time板块的音频)Imitate the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2)Practice in groups. Read the story in roles.

(3)Ask several students to come to the front and act out the story.

4. Make a summary.

Lead students to conclude the key words and sentence structures they’ve learned in this class.












  1. Remember the key words and sentence structures.

Do the exercises.





下一篇:The fifth period(第五课时)

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